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How do I add or remove SharePoint site members?

Published: 1 July 2021 Last updated: 23 July 2024

IT Service

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Add a site member

In the top right corner of the Departmental SharePoint site you will see an indicator of how many members the site has.

  1. Select ‘X members’ (where X represents the number of site members)
  2. Click ‘Add members’.
  3. Type in a name or University of Worcester email address.
  4. Select an option from the list. Job titles are displayed under the name, please double check this to ensure you’re adding the right person. (If you’ve made a mistake, press the X next to their name to remove it)
  5. Once you have added the people you want to give access to press ‘Save’ to confirm the changes.

You will now see that the people you’ve added are listed under ‘Group membership’.

Please note: Site member access is issued by default, to elevate access to Site Owner see the ‘How do I add or remove a Site Owner? FAQ.

Remove a site member

In the top right corner of the Departmental SharePoint site you will see an indicator of how many members the site has.

  1. Select ‘X members’ (where X represents the number of site members)
  2. Find the member you want to remove then press the arrow next to their name.
  3. Choose ‘Remove from group’. (Please note this happens immediately and doesn’t require you to click a confirmation prompt)

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