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How can I manage appointments in my Bookings calendar?

Published: 27 May 2022 Last updated: 23 July 2024

IT Service

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Managing bookings

Bookings made via a Microsoft Bookings calendar will automatically sync with your staff calendar making your bookings easy to see via Outlook or Teams.

If you want to manage the bookings, the best way to do this is via the Bookings web app.

  1. When you go to Microsoft Bookings you’ll be taken to the Calendar section by default
  2. Bookings made for all staff members and services will be visible if you’re a calendar administrator

Cancel a booking

  1. Select the Booking you want to cancel from the Calendar section of your Bookings dashboard
  2. Choose Cancel from the options that appear
  1. Enter a cancellation message to send out then select Send cancellation

Edit a booking

  1. To edit a booking, select it from the calendar then chose Edit

When editing a booking you can edit the following:

  • Max attendees (cannot be reduced to 1 if it is a group service)
  • Start date and time
  • End date and time
  • Added customers (Select Add customer to manually book a place for someone)
  • You can reassign which staff members are running the service

Press Update booking to confirm your changes

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