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Various aspects of your booking page can be customised.
Within this section you can configure the availability of your booking page. You can also copy the URL, email a link or embed the page.
You can set your Booking page visibility to either:
If you don’t want your Booking page to be discoverable via search engines such as Google you’ll need to ensure the ‘Disable direct search engine indexing of booking page’ checkbox is ticked.
We recommend leaving ‘Use newest version of Bookings’ selected.
Require a one-time password to create bookings: When creating a booking the user will need to enter the one time password that is sent to their email address.
If you’d like to add a personalised message to your booking page regarding data collection and usage consent, check the ‘Show a personal data collection and usage consent toggle along with a message on my booking page’ option. You’ll then need to enter your personal data collection and usage terms in the box below.
It is essential that all members of the University, staff and students, play their part in safeguarding the availability, integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of the information they hold or access. The misappropriation of University information not only has the potential to cause reputation damage and disruption to the University’s business but may also expose the organisation to the risk of legal sanctions. Additionally and importantly the loss or inadvertent disclosure of personal information can cause a significant amount of distress to the people whose information is affected.
For further information please see the Information Assurance website.
Set the calendars default scheduling policy for your calendar services. This will allow you to check the ‘Use default scheduling policy’ toggle within a service’s settings. Scheduling policy can also be altered on a per-service basis.
Microsoft Bookings allows you to customise some aspects of the bookings page.
Colour theme: The selected colour will be used as an accent colour on your booking page. Check ‘Set customised colour for your booking page’ to use a custom hex value (eg. #123456).
Check ‘Display business logo on your booking page’ if you wish to display one. You can add a logo within the Business information tab.
You can choose the Region and Time zones to be used for appointment scheduling. We recommend leaving this set to the default settings.
Language: English (United Kingdom)
Current time zone: (UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
Checked: ‘Always show time slots in business time zone’
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