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How do I alter my Bookings calendar business information?

Published: 27 May 2022 Last updated: 23 July 2024

IT Service

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Business information

Once you have access to your Bookings calendar, it’s important to fill out the business information section.

  1. Select Settings within your Bookings calendar dashboard
  2. Choose the Business information tab

Basic details

Business name: You can alter your Bookings calendar name however please note this will not update the calendar URL or mailbox address

Business address: Add an address to be displayed on your booking page, reminders and messages

Business phone: Add a phone number to be displayed on your booking page, reminders and messages

Send customer replies to: If you want to direct all customer replies to a specific mailbox, enter a University of Worcester email address in this field

Website URL: Add a link to your University of Worcester service website on your booking page, reminders and messages

Business type: Education

Privacy policy and Terms and conditions

You have the ability to link to a Privacy policy and Terms and conditions details on your booking page, reminders and messages.

University privacy policy:

Add or change your business logo that your customers will see in your booking page, reminders and messages.

For copies of the University of Worcester logo, please contact the Communications & Participation department:

Business hours

Within the Business information section you can set your default business hours for the calendar. These hours will apply to all available staff and services unless you have configured their availability manually on an individual basis.

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