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Back to FAQs homepage | Back to Communication tools / Microsoft 365 / Microsoft Teams / Modern Telephony category
We recommend installing the Microsoft Teams desktop application for best results. If you’re using a University of Worcester laptop then MS Teams should be pre-installed.
For full functionality when joining Microsoft Teams meetings, you will need a webcam with an integrated microphone so that you can be seen and heard.
Most laptops will have a built-in webcam and microphone. If you have a desktop PC then you will need a USB webcam to plug into an available USB port on your device. Alternatively, you can use a mobile device if you have a smart phone or tablet.
Please note: You can join a meeting without a webcam or microphone, but you won’t be seen or heard. You can see use the chat function to interact with the meeting participants.
You can schedule a Teams meeting via the Teams Calendar.
You’ll need to enter some details for the meeting before it’s ready to send.
The meeting will appear in your calendar in both Teams and Outlook once it has been created. An email will be sent to all meeting recipients and the meeting will appear in their calendars.
You can also schedule a Teams meeting via your Outlook calendar.
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