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How do I upload files and folders to OneDrive?

Published: 25 June 2021 Last updated: 11 October 2022

IT Service

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Uploading files and folders to OneDrive

Upload files and folders to your OneDrive account to make them accessible from any supported device with an internet connection. Depending on the web browser you use, you can upload files up to 250GB in size. (This limit is per file, not total.)

Access OneDrive

To access OneDrive, please select the OneDrive for Business link in the Applications section of the staff portal.

Alternatively, go to then sign in with your staff credentials. Select the App Launcher in the top-left corner then choose OneDrive.

Microsoft support video

Please see the following Microsoft support video for a demonstration.

Upload files

  1. Select Upload. (In Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, select Upload > Files)
  2. Navigate your computer then select the file or files you want to upload.
  3. Select Open.

Note: You can also upload files by opening File Explorer, selecting the files you want to upload, and dragging them to OneDrive.

Upload folders

  1. Select Upload. (In Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, select Upload > Folders)
  2. Select the folder.
  3. Select Upload.

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