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How do I request files using OneDrive for Business?

Published: 18 February 2022 Last updated: 23 July 2024

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File requests

With the file request feature in OneDrive for Business, you can choose a folder where others can upload files using a link that you send them. People you request files from can only upload files; they can’t see the content of the folder, edit, delete, or download files, or even see who else has uploaded files. 

  • Anyone with the file request link can send you a file; they don’t need to have a OneDrive account
  • All the files sent to you are saved in a single folder that you choose
  • Every file will have a prefix to help you identify who uploaded it
  • You’ll be notified via email when files are uploaded
  • If two files with the same name are uploaded, OneDrive will automatically add a number to the name of the second file
  • People who respond to your request can only upload files – they can’t view or edit the contents of your OneDrive

Create a file request

  1. In your OneDrive, right-click on the folder where you want the files to be uploaded, and then select Request files
  2. Under What files are you requesting, enter a descriptive name for the files you are requesting from others. (They’ll see this description when they get the file request.)
  3. Select Next
  4. You can select Copy link to copy the request link and send it to anyone you would like to request files from, or you can enter the email address or addresses of the people you want to request files from. You can also type a message that will be included in the email that OneDrive sends to them
  5. Select Done

You’ll receive a notification email whenever someone uploads files to your file request folder.

If you want to edit the descriptive name of the file request, select the folder and select Request files again, then change the name. The people you sent the request to will see the new name when they upload files.

Renaming a file request

  1. Right click on the folder you’re using for your file request
  2. Select Request files
  3. Enter a new name for the file request
  4. Click Next
  5. Select Done

The URL link to your file request will not change.

Change the file request expiration date

  1. Right click on the folder you’re using for your file request
  2. Select Manage Access
  3. Click the three dots next to your request link (Anyone with the file request link can upload only)
  4. Select the expiration date within the link settings then pick a new date from the calendar that appears
  5. Click Save
  6. Confirm the changes by selecting Change it

Delete a file request

  1. Right click on the folder you’re using for your file request
  2. Select Manage Access
  3. Click the three dots next to your request link (Anyone with the file request link can upload only)
  4. Select the X next to the link to delete it
  5. You will receive a confirmation prompt, select Delete link

Receiving a file request

Anyone with the link will be able to upload files to the request. However, they aren’t able to see or edit other contents in the folder or see who else is able to upload files.

When recipients select the link, they’ll see an upload form with the title of the file request.

Example below:

Further information

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