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How do I set up alerts in SharePoint?

Published: 22 September 2021 Last updated: 21 December 2021

IT Service

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Set up an alert for a folder or document

If you want to be notified when a document or folder is amended, you can set up an alert.

  1. Navigate to the document library and locate the file or folder you’d like to be alerted about.
  2. Right click on the file then select ‘Alert Me’.
  3. In the ‘Alert me when items change’ window, select and change the options you want for your alert.
  4. To save the alert, select OK.

Set up an alert for an entire document library

If you want to be notified about all changes within a document library, this can be setup using alerts.

  1. Navigate to the document library you’d like to be alerted about.
  2. Select the … (ellipsis) within the command bar along the top of the site.
  3. Choose ‘Alert me’.
  4. In the ‘Alert me when items change’ window, select and change the options you want for your alert.
  5. To save the alert, select OK.

Delete an alert

You may want to delete your alerts at a later date once they have served their purpose.

  1. To view your alerts select the (ellipsis) within the command bar.
  2. Select Manage My Alerts.
  3. Click on the alert that you want to delete.
  4. Select ‘Delete Selected Alerts’.
  5. To delete the selected alert, click ‘OK’.

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