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In Microsoft Teams, easily set up a Forms tab, create a new form to collect responses, add an existing form to collect responses or show survey results, collaborate with your team on a form, create notifications for your form, or conduct a quick poll just for your team.
With Microsoft Forms, you can create an instant, real time poll in seconds within your Microsoft Teams app.
As people in your group take the poll, you’ll see real time results in your group conversation.
In Microsoft Teams, you can add a Forms tab so you can create a new form or add an existing one that your entire team can edit.
You are now ready to work with your team to create this form.
If you select Collect responses, the form will be in “Fill” mode, so you’ll see Fill in front of the title to let you know you’re in the process of collecting responses from your team. Example: Fill | Survey: Feedback on the New Tour.
If you select Show Results, you are sharing the results of a form with your team, and the form will be in “Results” mode. You’ll see Results in front of the title to let you know responses have been collected and you’re now sharing those results with your team. Example: Results | Survey: Feedback on the New Tour.
If you select Collaborate, you and your team can edit an existing form. You’ll see Edit in front of the title to let you know the form is open for edit. Example: Edit | Survey: Feedback on the New Tour.
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