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We have implemented a feature for Microsoft Office 365 called Safe Attachments which uses Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) services to scan email for malicious attachments using the common file formats such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and PDF. The scans are done in a safe ‘sandbox’ before the attachment is delivered to your inbox.
You will receive the email but is the attachment is being scanned you will see a message on the email before the attachment becomes available.
Please wait while the scan is progressed.
Please do not attempt to forward the email to another user until the scan is complete.
If the attachment is safe it will be delivered into your inbox as normal.
If the attachment is deemed unsafe you will still have the email, but the attachment will be replaced with a text file called ‘Malware Alert Text.txt’ that will have the following message:
“Malware was detected by Safe Attachments in one or more attachments included with this email message. Action: All attachments have been removed.”
If a file is quarantined in this way, it can be reviewed and released by the IT Office 365 Administrators for release once they are informed of a locked file via the standard ticket system.
Remember to only open email and attachments sent from reliable sources. Do not open email or attachments from unexpected sources. Please see our guide to spotting unsafe email here.
Anything marked [external] is coming from outside the University.
If you ever open an attachment and it looks suspicious or is a cause for concern, please see our FAQ’s on ‘I think my Account is compromised’
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