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I think my account is compromised, what do I do?

Published: 21 July 2021 Last updated: 30 May 2024

IT Service

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I think my account is compromised, what do I do?

If you think your account security has been compromised then you will need to take the following steps:

  1. Immediately change your University account password: You can also do this by contacting the IT Service Desk on 01905 85 7500.
  2. Check your have the correct multi-factor authentication devices registered against your account with this link:
  3. Run a full anti-virus scan on your system. If you need help doing this please let us know
  4. Reset the password on any sites you have signed up to which use your University email address – ensuring you do not reuse your University password on external site.
  5. Report your compromised account to the IT Service Desk by calling us or logging a request on the portal.

For more information on Data Security:

See the University’s Information Assurance website:

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