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How do I manage staff in Microsoft Bookings?

Published: 27 May 2022 Last updated: 23 July 2024

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Manage your staff in Microsoft Bookings

The Staff page in Bookings is where you create your staffing list and manage staff member details such as name, phone number, email address and working hours. You can also add calendar administrators from here.

Add a staff member

  1. Select Settings from the left-hand side of your Bookings dashboard
  2. Click on the Staff tab
  1. Choose Add new staff
  2. Type a name into the Search for people or groups field
  3. Set the desired permission level:
  • Administrator: Administrators can edit all settings, add and remove staff, and create, edit and delete bookings
  • Viewer: Viewers can see all the bookings on the calendar. They can’t modify or delete them. They have read-only access to settings
  • Guest: Guests can be assigned to bookings but they can’t open the booking mailbox
  1. Checkbox: Notify the staff member via email when a booking assigned to them is created or changed – Leave this option selected to ensure staff members are notified about their bookings
  1. Availability: When adding a staff member, you have a number of options to configure their availability. A useful option is to check ‘Events on Office calendar affect availability’ which will prevent the staff member from being bookable if they have events in their calendar
  1. Use business hours: Leave this option selected to use the default business hours selected in the business settings. If you wish to alter an individual staff member’s availability, uncheck this option and then adjust the start and end times for each work day
  2. Select Confirm changes to complete the process

Remove a staff member

  1. Select Settings in your Bookings dashboard
  2. Click on the Staff tab
  3. Choose the Bin icon next to the staff member you want to remove
  4. Select Delete to confirm

Edit a staff member

  1. Select Settings in your Bookings dashboard
  2. Click on the Staff tab
  3. Choose the Pencil icon next to the staff member you want to edit
  4. Alter the staff member settings as desired
  5. Select Confirm changes to complete the process

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