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As a line manager, once I’ve appointed a new member of staff following the University’s recruitment process, what do I need to arrange before my new member of staff starts?
You should log an IT Service Desk request ticket (here) to request IT equipment in advance, ideally 2 weeks prior to the role starting, but not less than five working days.
New Full Staff will be supplied with a University Laptop, power supply and bag, along with a wired USB headset. Staff entering pre-existing roles also inherit other IT peripherals such as a laptop dock, display screens, and USB keyboard and mouse from their previous role. If these are no longer present or the role is brand new, these can also be requested in the request ticket.
It’s worth looking at the University’s IT Hardware Policy (here) regarding the IT equipment that other types of staff role are entitled to. For example, part-time affiliate roles, do not receive all of the above and their laptop is assigned to them from the staff loan pool on a rolling basis – in this situation the line manager should assist them in arranging the loan, by using the IT Resources booking system: https://itresources.getconnect2.com/
You can also include a request for an IT technician to visit the new starters office (if they have one) on the morning they start to make sure everything is ready and functioning as it should.
Important Note: For some roles, it isn’t appropriate to issue certain types of IT equipment due to the individual requirements of the role. This could be due to location e.g. Using a desktop PC already present in a control room or reception desk as a primary computer rather than issuing a laptop.
In others there may be the need to order specialist or higher specification devices with more advanced computing requirements. If this is the case we require as much notice as possible, as it is likely that we won’t carry such devices in stock and so these will be built to order. A business case will also be required to justify any additional costs that may be incurred.
In regard to all of the above please review the University’s IT Hardware Policy (here) for further information.
If the new staff member should receive their University account credentials via email to their personal email address and a text message.
If this has not happened (perhaps the mobile number provided is incorrect, they will need to contact us to setup their University IT Account, however as line manager you must then provide them with their staff number , so we know it’s them when they contact us. The Human Resources department can provide you with this once their HR account is setup. You can contact them through hr@worc.ac.uk
As line manager you need to arrange your new staff member’s University induction including their IT induction prior to their start date.
The IT Service induction is designed to provide an overview of the services and resources available to staff members at the University. The induction helps new starters discover how the IT Service can support them in their new roles as well as learning some security essentials and information about further training opportunities.
The IT Service staff induction typically runs every Tuesday 2-3pm as part of a joint HR & IT induction experience. Ad-hoc arrangements can be made for staff members that are unable to attend this regular Tuesday induction.
As a line manager, what do I need to arrange for my new member of staff once they have started in post?
The new staff member will need to contact us to setup their University IT Account, however as line manager you should provide them with their staff number first, so we know it’s them when they contact us. The Human Resources department can provide you with this once their HR account is setup. You can contact them through hr@worc.ac.uk
Staff user accounts are activated when the new starter calls the IT Service Desk for their credentials. If your staff member requires access to bespoke applications such as Finance, Student, and HR Systems etc. please submit these requests as separate jobs via the IT self-service portal.
A variety of training resources are available from IT Service covering Cybersecurity, GDPR and Microsoft 365 apps.
The following LearnUpon courses are mandatory:
Essential for all staff: UCISA Cyber Security TrainingEssential for all staff: GDPR Training
Discuss training requirements with your new staff starter to identify which training workshops may be suitable. Instructor-led courses can be held virtually via Microsoft Teams or in person on campus, depending on the nature of the subject being covered. These can be booked via the Staff Development Workshops area accessible from the staff homepage. To enquire about alternative dates/times, please contact the IT Service Desk.
For more information about the available training resources, please see the IT Service Training Portal.
Introduce your staff member to the University storage services used by your team/school/department that they will need access to.
All staff members are automatically issued with a OneDrive account which is tied to their staff email address. File storage best practice is covered in the IT Service induction where new staff members will have the opportunity to ask questions.
SharePoint/Teams Sites
If SharePoint sites have been set up in your school, department or area, you or the SharePoint site owners will need to provide access to any relevant sites. Please see our FAQ ‘How do I add or remove SharePoint site members?’ here.
O: Drive folders
If your school or department is still using the O: Drive for file storage, the authorised administrator for your school or department will be able to request access to the folders the need with the relevant permissions by logging this on the IT Service Desk Portal here.
The University uses Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Teams as it’s authorised communications platforms. We also have a Teams add-in called ‘8×8’ that adds the capability for staff to make and receive external phone calls via Teams, providing them with a phone number. This isn’t provided by default and must be requested by the new staff member from the IT Service Desk Portal here. There is a small ongoing licence cost to University to add this service so they may be asked to provide a concise business case regarding the for adding this service to their account.
A small number of university roles justify the requirement of being supplied with a mobile phone. IF you believe this is necessary for your new starters role, you should ask them to request this via the IT Service Desk Portal here.
It is a University requirement that all new staff familiarise themselves with and abide by the University IT Regulations and Information Security documents. There are multiple touch points during induction where these documents are mentioned but as line manger you such ensure this has been actioned as close to the new staff members start date as possible. These documents can be found here.
Advise the new starter that they are entitled to an Occupational Health Assessment in the role which can be completed by the Human Resources Department and arrange this for them If requested. HR will then order any additional IT equipment highlighted from the assessment required to support the new starter in their role directly from the IT Service.
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