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Back to FAQs homepage | Back to Guest@UW / WiFi & Networks category
Guest@UW is a self-service guest Wi-Fi network available on all the University campus.
To connect to the service please follow the steps below.
2. Click connect and once your device connects it will open a web page to allow you to log into the Guest@UW service
3. Click ‘Don’t have an account‘ to be directed to the account creation page. Please fill in your details ensuring your contact number and email address are correct as this is how you will receive your Guest@UW login details
4. Once you have entered your details and agreed to the terms & conditions click ‘Register‘ and a confirmation message will be displayed. You will receive an email and a text shortly aftwards containing your login details. The text can sometimes take up to 5 minutes, please be patient.
5. Once you have your account details, then click on Guest@UW from your network list and enter the details sent to sign onto the network. You will now have full internet access and will be directed to the University main homepage.
If you have any problems signing onto the Guest@UW service please contact the IT Service Desk.
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