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Teams sites can be created for specific groups or project teams. Teams sites allow groups to work collaboratively to achieve a goal. A Teams site is defined as a short-term collaborative area used for a time-limited project or joint venture.
For more information about Teams sites, please visit our Microsoft Teams page.
After 180 days your Microsoft Teams Group will expire. In order to keep the group you will need to renew the team. All owners of the team will receive multiple email reminders asking you to renew the team.
Please note: The email reminders will be from the Microsoft Online Services Team – msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com
An example of the email is below. You will need to click “Renew” to renew the team for another 180 days.
Microsoft Teams sites are not designed for long-term storage of business-critical data. For more information about appropriate storage of data, please see our File Storage page.
Before uploading or sharing any document please make sure you have read and abide by the University’s Information Security Policy and follow the guidance on the Information Assurance webpages.
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