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How do I send a message in Microsoft Teams? (Communicating with University staff and students)

Published: 29 November 2021 Last updated: 11 March 2022

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Sending a message in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is an extremely useful tool for contacting colleagues, including sending messages.

  1. Select the ‘Chat‘ icon from the left hand toolbar
  1. Select the new chat option at the top of the chat app, which looks like a pen on a square notepad.
Chat toolbar screenshot
  1. Enter the names of who you want to contact in the ‘To:’ field. You can add as many contacts as you like.
Screen snip of the Microsoft Team's To field.
  1. Compose your message in the box at the bottom of the pane. You can select the format button, the first button underneath the compose box, if you wish to add any formatting such as bold, italics, etc.
Image of the formatting text window
  1. Once you have composed your message, you can then select the arrow Send button. This will initiate a chat if it is the first message, or send a message if a chat has already been started.
Send button icon
  1. Further messages can be sent using the compose message box at the bottom of the chat window. Replies will also appear in the same window.

Useful Tips

  • You can also send files, such as images, videos, or documents as attachments by selecting the paper clip icon and select the file you want.
Upload dialogue box with options to select from OneDrive or Upload from my computer
  • If you leave the chat, you can return by selecting it again in the list of chats on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • You can react to the message using a variety of emojis by hovering the mouse over the message and select the desired emoticon.
Emoji reactions displayed above the message.
  • After having sent a message, you may want to amend or delete it. Hover the mouse over the message you have sent, to bring up options, including the emojis. Then select the three dots to the right of the emojis to bring up the menu and select the Edit or Delete options.
Numerous options displayed, including  edit and delete.

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