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Back to FAQs homepage | Back to Accounts, passwords & security / Multi-Factor Authentication / Student accounts category
If you are an International Applicant or Student we recommend using the Microsoft Authenticator Application on your mobile device. By using the Microsoft Authenticator App you will easily be able to sign into your account off campus by approving the notification within the app and without the need for entering codes, by using password-less sign in.
It is recommended if you are an International Student you should use the app verification method due to Microsoft’s SMS verifcation limit or mobile roaming.
You can follow the instructions on how to set-up MFA with our MFA Registration FAQ. We’d recommend when registering on the app signing into your account for the first-time on a laptop so you can easily scan the QR code on the screen. If you are having difficulties setting up the app try these troubleshooting steps. If you are still experiencing difficulty please contact the IT Service by calling us Monday – Friday 08:30 to 21:00 on +44(0)1905 85 7500 or visiting our walk-up support desk at the Peirson Study & Guidance Centre, First Floor. This is so we can run through some security verification questions with you.
You can also enable phone sign-in once you’ve registered via the Microsoft Authenticator app for a better experience:
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