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This FAQ goes through the step by step process of setting up and using the 8×8 Voice application for Microsoft Teams. The 8×8 Voice application is used as a more advanced telephone and contact centre features within Microsoft Teams which is a more efficient way of communication instead of using the standard communication features on Microsoft Teams to ensure that there are no issues caused such as call routing.
Here is a detailed guide on how to install the 8×8 Voice application into Microsoft Teams.
Navigate to left hand side of the screen and click on the button near the bottom with the 3 dots. A pop up menu will appear on the left side of the screen.3 In the search bar at the top, type in “8×8” to search for the 8×8 Voice application. In the search results, click the “8×8” option. (See screenshot below)
After clicking on the 8×8 application from the search bar, a new screen will appear with a message from the 8×8 application that goes into detail about what the application is and the features that it offers. (See screenshot below)
To access the features of the 8×8 application click on the “Dashboard” tab at the top of the screen. The application has now been set up and is ready to be used. (See screenshot below)
Here is a detailed guide on how to log in and log out of call queues on the 8×8 Voice Application
Firstly make sure that the 8×8 Voice App is open in Microsoft Teams. After opening the app, navigate to the “Dashboard” tab at the top of the screen. After that, navigate over to the left hand side of the screen and then select the “Call queues” button. (See screenshot below)
After clicking the “Call queues” button, the available queues that can be logged in and out of will be displayed. To log in click the blue “Log in” button. When prompted to login, use the normal email and password. (See screenshot below)
When logged in to a call queue, the app will display all of the current call queues that are logged in. To log out of a call queue, just click the blue “Log Out” button. (See screenshot below)
When the 8×8 Voice App is open, navigate to the top of screen and click on the “Dashboard” tab. If prompted, login with the normal email and password and then navigate to the left of the screen and then select the Settings from the menu on the left hand side of the screen. (See screenshot below).
To change the caller ID settings, first navigate to the “Settings” section within the “Dashboard” tab in the 8×8 voice application. To get more settings within the “External Caller ID” setting, click on the drop-down arrow on the right hand side of the screen. This will expand the setting to reveal more settings. (See screenshot below)
Within the “External Caller ID” setting, the display name and phone number can be changed. To change these settings, use the drop-down arrow on the Phone Number selection box and the “Display name” text field. (See screenshot below)
When finished, click the blue “Save” button below.
With call forwarding rules, it is possible to change where calls to a personal extension are forwarded to instead of voicemail. To do this, To change the call forwarding rules, first navigate to the “Settings” section within the “Dashboard” tab in the 8×8 voice application and navigate down until you see the “Call forwarding rules” section. To change the caller ID settings, first navigate to the “Settings” section within the “Dashboard” tab in the 8×8 voice application. To get more settings within the “Call forwarding rules” setting, click on the drop-down arrow on the right hand side of the screen. This will expand the setting to reveal more settings. (See screenshot below). (See screenshot below)
To enable or disable a call forwarding rule, tick or untick the box on the left hand side next to the rule that you want to enable or disable. The rules can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon on the right hand side next to the rule. The suggested settings for forwarding calls are: “when internet connection is down”, “when user is busy” and “when user does not answer the call within xx seconds”. (See screenshot below)
A rule can be edited by clicking the pencil icon. When clicked, there will be settings that will appear that can be changed to edit the rule. From here, there are options to where a call can be forwarded to. Select the “Forward directly to” option. (See screenshot below)
Next, select the text field and type the name of the desired user that you would like the call to be forwarded to. (See screenshot below)
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