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To photocopy a document visit a Multifunction Printer and follow the steps below:
2. When you log in click on ‘Device Functions‘ to move into the copy area
3. Click ‘OK‘ to access the copier panel
3. Load your original document(s) into the top feeder (please remove all staples or paperclips first) face up or use the flatbed area to arrange your document for copy
4. In device functions you will be presented with a selection of options to adjust your copy. Select the options you need for your document
Note 1: You adjust the qty using the number pad next to the machine Note 2: To enlarge or reduce there are some preset paper sizes in the middle of the screen Note 3: There are preset options for multi-sided printing availableNote 4: You can adjust colour or black & white printing using the functions on the left hand side
5. When ready press the turquoise print button in the bottom right of the panel to make the copy 6. Once your copy is complete, press the ‘Home’ button in the top left of the control panel, and then tap the ‘Papercut‘ option
7. On the next screen tap on the ‘Logout‘ option to finish your session.
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