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Troubleshooting Panopto for Lecture Capture

Published: 3 July 2024 Last updated: 23 January 2025

IT Service

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Troubleshooting Panopto for Lecture Capture

Default Devices have been set within Panopto to suit the requirements of our teaching spaces. For a list of rooms that support lecture capture, please refer to our Panopto Capable Rooms FAQ.

If you encounter any issues when using the software, you may find the below troubleshooting steps useful.

Panopto Checklist:

TEL has a useful widget that can be used to familiarise yourself with the layout & functionality of the Panopto Recorder. This can also be used as a reference before starting your recording to ensure you have selected the necessary settings.

TEL Panopto Checklist:

Video Devices:

Please make sure that you have selected the correct video device in the drop-down below. In our Lecture Theatres or Seminar Rooms this will be called “USB Capture HDMI”. Please note that both the Capture Card to record content on the desktop & the room camera will both be named “USB Capture HDMI”. If you are unsure with which you need to use, please toggle between the two options to choose the correct device.

If you are using one of our Hybrid Capable Meeting Rooms, please note that the camera on the soundbar will be called ” Huddly IQ” on the list. If you wish to use your own Webcam, please select this option from the drop-down menu.

Audio Devices:

You can find audio devices listed under the audio section. When changing audio devices please tap or speak into the microphone to make sure the device you have selected is transferring audio to the Lectern PC. Default devices will be set on lectern machines, so this should not be an option you need to change in order to start your recording. If you are unsure which audio device should be selected, please contact the IT Service Desk on IT Service Desk 01905 85 7500.

Please make sure that Microphones are unmuted on the lectern control pannel.

For further support, please refer to TEL’s help guides.

If you encounter a technical issue and you are unable to resolve it with the above information, please get in touch with the IT Service Desk 01905 85 7500.

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