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User Guide to access Office 365 Web applications:

Published: 16 December 2024

IT Service

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This guide is designed to give guidance on how to access Office 365 Web applications.

  1. Open a browser. This can be any browser (eg. Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft edge) but for this example I will use Firefox.
  1. At the top bar, type and press enter (Or alternatively, skip the first step and click the link embeded in this step here)
  1. Click Sign in (if you automatically sign in, go to step 5)
  1. Sign into your University Of Worcester account. Enter your University of Worcester email and press next, then Enter your password and click Sign in.
  1. Once you are signed in, or if you automatically sign in, confirm you are signed into your University Email address. (In the top right corner, click on your name icon and confirm it’s your university account. If you’re signed into a different account click sign out and start from the beginning)
  1. Once you have logged in and confirmed it is your University of Worcester account, Click the 9 dots in the top left corner and your apps should appear
  1. Additionally, you can search for applications in the top bar (For this example, I will use Word)

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