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How can I access Windows Virtual Desktop?

Published: 6 July 2021 Last updated: 23 July 2024

IT Service

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Accessing Windows Virtual Desktop

Before you access Windows Virtual Desktop you will need to request access to the service by logging a ticket on the IT Self-Service Portal.

To access your Windows Virtual Desktop, you can either use a web client or install a full client to your machine.

Please note: If you need to use SITS, we recommend using the full client rather than the web client and then connecting to a desktop PC on-site.

Windows Virtual Desktop full client (Windows 10/11)

  1. Go to the download page: Windows Virtual Desktop client
  2. Select ‘Windows-64 bit’
  3. Run the MSI installer from your downloads
  4. Within the installer wizard, click Next to continue
  5. Tick ‘I accept the terms in the Licence Agreement’ then click ‘Next’ to continue
  6. Select ‘Install just for you’ and click ‘Install’

    After a short time the installation wizard should confirm that you have completed the remote desktop setup wizard.

  7. Once installed, tick ‘Launch Remote Desktop when setup exits’ then click ‘Finish’

    The Remote Desktop program will then open. On the initial start, you may be greeted with a ‘Let’s get started’ page.

  8. Click the ‘Subscribe’ button to continue.
  9. You will be prompted for your email address. Please enter your University of Worcester email address.
  10. When you click ‘Next’ you will be taken to a University sign in page. Sign in as normal to continue.
  11. Once logged in, you should then see some available resources such as KX, SITS Live and Staff – Full Desktop
  12. If you are unable to see any applications, please log a request on the IT Service Desk Portal.

To close a session:

When you’re not using these programs, we please ask that you sign out of the virtual session.

To sign out:

  1. Click the Windows Start icon in the bottom left of the virtual desktop
  2. Select your name
  3. Click ‘Sign Out’

Please be careful to sign out of the virtual desktop and not your physical desktop if you’re connecting to a desktop PC on-site.

Windows Virtual Desktop web client

  1. Use your internet browser (Chrome, Firefox etc) to navigate to:
  2. If prompted to log in, please enter your University of Worcester credentials.
  3. Once you have successfully logged in, you should then see available resources such as KX, SITS Live and Staff – Full Desktop. Select the desired resource to open a connection.
  4. If you are unable to see any application, please log a request on the IT Service Desk Portal.
  5. If prompted, click Allow on the pop up window that appears asking for access to local resources.
  6. When asked to enter your username and password, please log in using your University of Worcester credentials.
  7. You will then be loaded into the select virtual application, this may take a short time to load.

To close a session:

When you’re not using these programs, we please ask that you sign out of the virtual session.

To sign out:

  1. Click the Windows Start icon in the bottom left of the virtual desktop
  2. Select your name
  3. Click ‘Sign Out’

Please be careful to sign out of the virtual desktop and not your physical desktop if you’re connecting to a desktop PC on-site.

Windows Virtual Desktop full client (MacOS)

  1. Go to the download page: MacOS Windows Virtual Desktop client
  2. Under ‘install the client’ select ‘Download’
  3. Install via the Apple Mac App store.

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