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How do I connect to the Eduroam Wi-Fi?

Published: 7 July 2021 Last updated: 28 February 2025

IT Service

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Getting connected to Eduroam

The Eduroam wireless network is available on all University of Worcester campuses including at the Hive.

To connect to Eduroam, Please use the link to the application below;

The username to log in to Eduroam will be your University of Worcester email address, and the password will be the password you have set up for your university account.

Alternatively, please follow these steps to connect manually:

  1. On your device select ‘Eduroam’ from the list of available networks
  2. When prompted enter your username in the following format
    • Students: USERNAME + @UNI.WORC.AC.UK
    • Staff: USERNAME + @WORC.AC.UK
    • For example: OTHA1_00@UNI.WORC.AC.UK / OTHA1@WORC.AC.UK
  3. Enter your password
  4. Depending on your device `you may be prompted for additional information:
    • EAP method: PEAP
    • Phase 2 auth: MSCHAPV2 CA
    • Certificate: Do not validate
    • Domain:
    • Anonymous ID: Repeat your user ID


If you’re experiencing issues connecting your device to the Eduroam network, please contact the IT Service Desk or alternatively try the troubleshooting steps below:

If the setting ‘Use random hardware addresses’ is enabled, this needs to be disabled.

To turn off this setting follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Windows icon in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. This will bring up the Start menu.
  2. On the left-side of the Start menu, click on the little cog icon, just above the power options button. Alternatively, you can search for ‘settings’ in your search bar in the taskbar at the bottom left-hand side of the screen or scroll down your list of programs in the Start menu until you see the Settings application.
  3. When in the Settings app, click on the Network & Internet option. This will bring up a menu.
  4. On the left-hand side of the screen, click on the WiFi option.
  5. On the right-hand side of the screen, make sure that little switch next to the Use random hardware addresses is set to the off position.

Remove eduroam from saved Wi-Fi networks

If your device has been connected to eduroam before and is now having issues it may be necessary to remove eduroam from your saved networks to resolve connection issues. You will find your saved Wi-Fi networks within the WiFi settings of your device.

Is the time on your device correct?

If your device’s system time is not correct, then you will not be able to connect to the network. Ensure that your timezone is set to London GMT and that the date and time is correct. Try unchecking ‘Set device time automatically’ and then re-enabling it within your Language and Time settings. Your device’s time should update.

Restart your device

If your device will not connect to eduroam or is unable to discover any wireless networks please turn it off, wait up to 10 seconds for the power to drain and then turn it back on again.

Is your device’s software up to date?

If your device’s software is out of date, you will not be able to connect to the Wi-Fi. We recommend running all system updates for your device and then trying again.

If you’re still having issues connecting please contact the IT Service Desk on 01905 85 7500.

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