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How do I find my Teams phone number?

Published: 26 October 2022 Last updated: 21 November 2024

IT Service

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Accessing the Teams telephony feature

To make and receive external phone calls using the Microsoft Teams app you will need a Microsoft Teams phone number. Please note that this feature is made available to select staff members on a case-by-case basis.

If you cannot see a work number listed you have not been assigned a Teams phone number.

If you’ve been advised that a Teams phone number has been assigned to you and you cannot see it below the Teams dialler, please restart your computer.

For further information please contact the IT Service Desk.

Finding your Microsoft Teams phone number

  1. Open the Microsoft Teams desktop application.
  2. Select the Calls tab from the app bar on the left-hand side of the user interface.
  3. If a Teams phone number has been assigned to you it will be displayed underneath the dialler, as illustrated in the screenshot below.
Screenshot highlighting the Calls tab in the Microsoft Teams desktop app user interface and the Teams phone number displayed directly below the dialler.

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