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You can create a link that allows people to contact you in Teams directly such as ‘Chat with me in Teams’. Clicking on the link will open the Microsoft Teams app and navigate the user directly to a private chat with you.
To produce your Teams chat deeplink you’ll need to insert your email address into the format outlined below:
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS GOES HERE
For example, if your email address were t.account@worc.ac.uk then your deeplink would be:
If you experience any issues creating your Teams chat deeplink please contact the IT Service Desk.
You can add this link to your email to allow people to easy instant message you on Teams.
Please note: These instructions illustrate how to do this using the Outlook desktop application.
6. Select the text you want to add the link to and then press the hyperlink icon.
7. Now paste your hyperlink into the Address box. Then press ‘OK’.
You will be taken back to the previous screen where you should now see that your text is blue and underlined to indicate it contains a hyperlink.
8. Amend the ‘Choose default signature’ settings to choose when the signature will be used.
Press OK to apply the changes.
Please note: It is worth sending a test email to a colleague to ask them to test the link to ensure it is working as expected.
If you send emails from a shared mailbox which is also monitored by others you may want to use an email signature which does not include a personal teams chat link.
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