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When using a Bookable Hybrid Meeting Room, you will have access to a Mobile Display Screen with a Video Conference Soundbar & Camera to facilitate interaction with online participants.
For more information regarding our bookable teaching spaces, please refer to our FAQs.
You will need to log in to the PC provided to utilize the equipment correctly. You will need to turn on the Display screen separately from the PC using either the Remote control provided or the power button on the device. Please note that you may need to change the Input/Source for the screen if you do not see the desired login page.
If you have started your Teams Meeting and you are unable to be seen or heard by your online participants, please perform the following checks:
Make sure that both Video and Audio are enabled for your Teams call, the options to enable/disable these devices are located at the top of the call window near the ‘Leave’ button.
If you are still having difficulties being seen or heard by your online participants, you will want to check which devices you have selected within teams. You can access the device settings menu by doing the following:
Here you will find the speaker & microphone settings, please make sure that ‘Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (UC-Soundbar)’ is selected for both these options when using a Bookable Hybrid Meeting Room.
Scrolling down in this menu will show the video devices, ensure that the Camera is set to ‘Huddly IQ’.
If you encounter a technical issue with the equipment, please contact the IT Service Desk on 01905 85 7500.
It may be beneficial to run a test call if you are unsure if the equipment is working correctly, or if you would like to do a trial run before your meeting. This can be done by doing the following:
For further guidance with using Microsoft Teams, please refer to our other FAQs. Microsoft have also their own guidelines that can be found here.
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