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How to park a telephone call and retrieve the parked call using Microsoft Teams?

Published: 6 January 2022 Last updated: 2 August 2022

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Call parking

Call parking is a business phone system feature that allows you to put a call on hold, so that another person can pick it up on a different device. When you “park” the call, anyone with access to the parked call can pick it up.

Park a call:

  1. During a Microsoft Teams telephone call, select ‘‘ in the top left hand corner to open the menu.
  1. From the menu select ‘Park call‘.
  1. Once the call has been parked you will see a notification of the parked call with a code. If you do not retrieve the call after a few minutes the call will be returned to you.

Retrieve a parked call

  1. To retrieve a parked call, within Microsoft Teams application go the ‘Calls‘ tab. Note you will not be able to retrieve the call from the previous call window. If you have a parked call you will see the red alert next to the call icon.
  1. Underneath the dialler select ‘Parked calls‘.
  1. Enter the parked call code in the box provided and select ‘Pick up
  1. If you do not know the code as you have closed the call window you can retrieve the code from the call history displayed on the call tab. You can also share this code for other people within the University of Worcester who have a telephone number assigned in Microsoft Teams, for them to pick up the call.

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