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How do I set up Outlook on my device?

Published: 26 October 2021 Last updated: 21 November 2024

IT Service

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Outlook on University devices

Microsoft Outlook is pre-installed on University of Worcester devices as part of the Office 365 suite, all you need to do is open the app and sign in.

  1. Click on the Windows logo in the bottom left corner to open the Start Menu.
  2. Type Outlook to search for the app. (A search box will appear automatically)
  3. Select Outlook from the search results.
  4. Once the Outlook app opens, enter your University of Worcester email address.
  5. You may be prompted to enter your University of Worcester password and confirm your sign-in using Multi-Factor Authentication.
  6. If you have correctly entered your details the mailbox will begin the setup process.

Please note: The setup process can take several minutes to complete.

Outlook for iOS/Android

Outlook can be installed onto your mobile device to provide access to your emails on-the-go. To set up Outlook on your device please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the Google Play Store/App store on your mobile device
  2. Search for Microsoft Outlook
  3. Select it from the results then choose Install. After some time the install will complete and the app will be available to launch.
  4. Open the Outlook app on your mobile device.
  5. Choose Add account
  6. Enter your University of Worcester email address or select it from the list of discovered accounts.
  7. Press Continue.
  8. You may be prompted for your password or to verify using Multi-Factor Authentication.
  9. You will be asked if you want to add another account, select Maybe later to skip this

It will take several minutes to synchronise your mailbox.

If you’re experiencing issues setting up Outlook on your mobile device, please contact the IT Service Desk.

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