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I’m a new staff member, what do I need to do?

Published: 10 January 2025

IT Service

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As a New Starter, what do I need to ensure I do once I start my new role?

Priority: Request Access to you University IT Account

All University staff members are set up with an IT user account.

You should receive your account credentials by email and text message, however, please call the IT Service Desk on 01905 85 7500 if you run into difficulties.

You’ll be required to reset your password to something more memorable and also to setup Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to help protect your University account. Guidance on how to do this can be found here and if you encounter an issue with this, you can contact us for support using a mechanisms here.

Please note: You’ll need your staff ID number ready for verification purposes. Your line manager or the Human Resources Team will be able to supply you with this. It is also printed on your staff ID card.

Review IT Policies

It is a University requirement that all new staff familiarise themselves with and abide by the University IT Regulations and Information Security documents. These documents can be found here along with all other University policies for reference.

Attend your University Inductions

New staff should attend both a HR and IT Induction. These should have been arranged for you by your line manager but is you haven’t received in invite for these, please contact

The IT Induction is held on Tuesday afternoon between 14:00-15:00 however if your roles working hours aren’t during these times we can setup a bespoke session for you.

Complete your University Mandatory Training Courses

New staff should complete a number of mandatory training courses during your first two weeks in the role. Your HR induction will cover how to access these via the university training platform and which types of roles require specific courses.

The two courses particularly of relevance to IT are:  

Essential for all staff: UCISA Cyber Security Training

Essential for all staff: GDPR Training

Gain access to the IT resources you require

Your line manager will be able to provide advice on accessing University systems, software, file storage, telephony and other resources/functions that may be required for your role, which will be unique to the area of the university you are working in.

If you need further advice on how to gain access to a particular IT resource that you need, you can contact us by using the mechanisms here and we’ll provide the guidance you need to get setup. It may be that a particularly service you need is looked after by a department outside of the IT Service but if that’s the case we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction.

Request a Teaching Spaces Induction (Role dependant):

If you are going to be teaching or using the University’s teaching spaces and seminar rooms as part of your role, you may find it helpful to request a Teaching Spaces Induction to help familiarise yourself with how the equipment works so you can become comfortable with it before your first session.

You can request this from the staff delvelopment workshops page in the Training Resources section of the staff MyDay page here.

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