Today (February 5), the IT Service Desk software has been upgraded to a new version. The system brings a range […]
Please be aware of the following changes to print copy services in the Hive.
News Category: Staff News
This post is one of an ongoing series from the IT Service, to consolidate our updates to University’s staff and students in one place that covers information relating to upgrades, upcoming works, potential service disruption and other topics which may be of interest to you.
Please also visit our IT Status Page and IT Teaching Spaces Page to keep track of individual IT services uptime and forthcoming maintenance.
Network Infrastructure Upgrades at The Hive
What are we doing?
The current networking hardware within The Hive is aging and forthcoming upgrades will bring numerous advantages including faster data speeds to connected devices, greater Wi-Fi coverage, and higher bandwidth for multiple users, all adding up to better services for all the buildings visitors.
This is a significant set of works that we’ll be completing over several broad phases and whilst we will do all we can to mitigate downtime, they will ultimately result in some service disruption. The equipment required for the upgrades to take place has now arrived, so we can share with you the schedule to which they will be completed.
Where are these works taking place?
These upgrades will affect services within The Hive.
When are the works taking place?
The works will take place in three phases: the upgrade of network switches, upgrades to wireless access points, and the upgrade of Hive core network infrastructure.
This first phase to upgrade network switches will take place on the following dates, and affects the buildings floors as stated:
How will these works affect me?
Whilst these works are taking place, network services on the level(s) indicated will be significantly disrupted and should be treated as offline for the duration of the AM or PM period listed, within core University hours i.e. 09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri.
Network services affected include access to the internet on public facing and office computers, access to printing & copying services, access to all wireless networking services (including eduroam), and network connections to building services such as digital signage and the Vocera communications system. Please note that users may find some wireless connectivity is still available from access points on adjacent unaffected floors but this is not guaranteed and should not be replied upon. As you will see the largest amount of disruption will take place on the 28th November when Level’s One and Three are worked on.
General Advice for Staff Working within The Hive
Those staff working permanently from an individual floor in The Hive who’s role and equipment allow them to work remotely from home or another campus building may wish to consider doing so during the dates/times their floor is affected. Those with flexible roles may be able to arrange to work temporarily from an unaffected floor. Please seek line manager authorisation prior to working to either of these arrangements as normal.
General Advice for Students Studying within The Hive
On affected days above, students can use an alternate floor of the building or other University open-access facility (such as the Peirson Study & Guidance Centre on the St John’s Campus) to study from. Access to learning resources such as book issue and Academic Liaison Librarian support may also be affected, so it may be prudent to plan your visit ahead in anticipation of this.