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Can I move files between the Windows Virtual Desktop and my local computer?

Published: 6 July 2021 Last updated: 16 November 2023

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Moving files between Windows Virtual Desktop and your local computer

It is not recommended to store files on Windows Virtual Desktop unless necessary.

If required we would recommend using the Windows Virtual Desktop full client to do this over the web interface. When using the full Windows Virtual Desktop client, you can copy and paste files between your virtual and local desktops.

Find out how to install the full client here: How can I access Windows Virtual Desktop?

How to move files between Windows Virtual Desktop and your local computer

When using the full Windows Virtual Desktop client, you should be able to copy and paste files from your local desktop to the virtual desktop and vice-versa:

  1. Open Windows Explorer then navigate to the file you want to move/copy
  2. Right click on the desired file or folder then choose Copy
  3. Navigate to desired location (either your local or virtual desktop)
  4. Right click on the desktop then select Paste

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